Thursday, March 15, 2007

I'm Grateful!

Hello everyone. I've had a gloomy couple of days, so I decided today would be a good day to remember why I'm grateful! I'll bet I can come up with 10 things if I think hard ; )

1. I finally bought a house! Yay!

2. I also finally signed up for my doula training courses (childbirth support!!) Yay #2!

3. Jake comes home from being out of town today.

4. Jake doesn't have to go out of town for his job anymore! :D

5. One of my best good friends Xamara is coming over to see my new house today.

6. I had an amazing lunch break with my friends at work.

7. My baby is learning to walk and he is quite possibly the cutest thing in the world.

8. I have great friends.

9. I got a job interview yesterday for what seems like a really awesome job!

10. I just got some really good books in the mail :)

I do feel better.


Carly Fay said...

Yay! Jake doesn't have to go out of town anymore?! That's so wonderful!!!

*Dani* said...

So they say- I'm manifesting for the best ;)